Monday, April 12, 2010

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide

A beautiful spring Sunday afternoon brought us to the park, for Jack's first trip to the playground.  He rode a few slides, tried out the swings, and loved the sand and trucks.  A fun first trip!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oh! The Places You'll Go!!

 We went to the Springfield Area Museums.  We had a great time in the Science Museum talking to fish, watching a Bearded Dragon eat his breakfast, and checking out all the old-school animal dioramas.  Very fun!  The National Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden was oddly made to be less fun, by the severe restrictions on climbing or touching the giant outdoor art.  But we had fun anyway, and made a quick trip into the Art Museum before heading home.  A fun day in the end!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

It's a Sunshine Day!

Spring has properly sprung here, so we spent most of the weekend outside...

It's not just for Bunnies anymore...

The squirrels started our outdoor egg hunt before we could get outside...

Easter = Chocolate

Opening the Easter baskets was great fun, and Jack had his first Cadbury Creme Egg. He'd love another!

I've been Dyeing to Meet You

Jack had his first try at coloring Easter Eggs this year, while Avery perfected her techniques...