Monday, March 29, 2010

The Visitors

Alex and Adam came to spend a weekend with us, and we all had a great time. We look forward to having an additional visitor the next time they come see us!

Take a pebble

our youngest has been getting out into the fresh spring air, checking out his wider world. He is an explorer, an examiner. Trying to figure things out.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You can dance if you want to

All I did was turn on the keyboard. The rest is Just Jack.

They say it's your birthday!

Avery celebrated her eighth birthday in great style, with friends for bowling; cake and presents at home. She's is eager to take on the new responsibilities and rewards of eight-year-old hood.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Boy and his Dog

Jack loves loves loves Molly.
His love for the pup is absolute, and the pup's patience with the youngun' is remarkable. She has tolerated a lot of tail pulling and whatnot to get to this point where hugs are the norm. We could not have gotten a better a dog for our family.

Monday, March 8, 2010

I wanna Rock!

We recently attended Boston Rock-N-Romp. We all had a great time dancing and watching the bands in the Sommerville Armory.

And Jack sincerely apologizes to the sceond band, the Shills, for turning off one of their pieces of equipment. He just didn't think you needed that equalizer to maintain your high quality sound.